Fish In the Afternoon

To do one thing today and another tomorrow

Like a Rolling Stone

“Stone. A stone butch is a woman who doesn’t allow herself to be fucked.”

Regan McClure, “Stone Femme”

I am a mountain.

No one enters the mountain. But the mountain enters, the tectonic plates move.

When I was a kid, I wrote a story about a man disassembling a mountain. Unlike Sisyphus, the man must move the rocks down rather than up. Rock by rock he had to take apart this mountain until there was nothing left.

He hated the mountain. The mountain took up his whole life. There was nothing else to do but take apart the mountain. He just wanted the mountain to be gone. Please, anything but the mountain.

No one enters the mountain. But the mountain enters, the tectonic plates move.

I am a mountain.

ash/cygnus. She/zhe/they.

“I wondered how it would feel to be touched and not be afraid.”

Leslie Feinberg, Stone Butch Blues

Image: Conversation with the Mountain by Shitao (1656-1707)